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Free Knitting and Crochet Patterns from Elaine Phillips

Sheaves of Barley Brioche Stole

Difficulty level: **** Experienced

Free Shawl Knitting Pattern

The Brioche motif down the middle of this stole looks like grains on a sheaf of barley or wheat, hence the name Sheaves of Barley Stole. This is a long and wide stole, and the double-knitting of the brioche makes it quite thick. It's great for cold weather. As all brioche, this stole is double-sided, but I personally liked the appearance of the lighter side better.

The stole is worked in 2-color brioche st from one end to the other. It starts from the pointy end. The increases are made on the wrong side of the stole inside of the Barley pattern (Right or Left). After the main part is worked, the decreases are made in the same way to form another pointy end.

To knit this stole, you have to know how to knit 2-color brioche stitch.

Size: width - 21" (53 cm), length - 72" (183 cm)

Materials: 100% Wool Brown Sheep (affiliate link) Nature Spun Sport Weight yarn 184 yd (168 m)/50g, color 730 Natural – 4 balls. (LC)
100% Wool Brown Sheep (affiliate link) Nature Spun Sport Weight yarn 184 yd (168 m)/50g, color 101 Burnt Sienna – 4 balls. (DC)

Needles: US 2 (2.75 mm) circular needles

20 sts x 26 rows = 4" (10 cm) in brioche stitch
Note, that 1 row of brioche consists of 1 row of LC and 1 row of DC


Please note that I use Nancy Marchant terminology for brioche stitch. I highly recommend her books Knitting Brioche: The Essential Guide to the Brioche Stitch and Knitting Fresh Brioche: Creating Two-Color Twists & Turns, as well as her lessons on

yf - yarn forward: bring the yarn to the front, between the tips of the needles.
yb - yarn back: take the yarn to the back, between the tips of the needles.
sl1yof - slip 1, yarn over, yarn to front: with working yarn in front, slip the next stitch purlwise, then bring the yarn over the needle and the slipped stitch, then bring yarn back around to the front, ready to purl the following stitch.
yfsl1yo - yarn forward, slip 1, yarn over: bring the working yarn between the tips of the needles to front of work, slip the next stitch purlwise, then bring the yarn over the needle and the slipped stitch. Leave yarn in back, ready to knit the next stitch.
brk - brioche knit: knit the stitch together with its accompanying yarnover
brp - brioche purl: purl the stitch together with its accompanying yarnover
brkyobrk – brk1, yo, brk1: [brk1, yarn over (yarn over under needle, then over needle to back), brk1] in the same stitch. 2 stitches are increased.
brsssk (left slant 2-stitch decrease) – work to marked st, slip the next 2 sts (the marked st with its yarn over and the next single st) knitwise, one at a times, onto the right needle. Bark the following st, then pass the 2 slipped sts over.
brk2tog (right slant 2-stitch decrease) – work to 2 sts before the marked st (last brk) , slip 2 sts knitwise (st with yarn over and single st) and knit (brk) them together. Return this st to the left needle and pass the marked st (st with yarn over) over. Move this st to the right needle.
LS – light side
DS – dark side
LC – light color
DC- dark color
pm – place marker
mm – move marker
k – knit
p - purl
M 1 (Make 1 increase) - I used the increase described by Elizabeth Zimmerman: Make a backward loop over the right-hand needle and in the next row knit (purl) it as a regular stitch.
w&t – wrap and turn

Two-Color Brioche Stitch

Please note that one brioche row consists of 2 rows, one worked in LC and the other in DC. Both colors are worked in one direction, then the work is turned and both colors are worked in the other direction.

Odd number of stitches
Set-up row (LC): k1, *sl1yof, p1, rep from *, end with sl1yof, p1. Do not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Set-up row (DC): sl1, yb, *brk1, yfsl1yo, repeat from *, end with brk1, yb, sl last st. Turn.
Row 1 (LS, LC): k1, *yfsl1yo, brk1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with yfsl1yo, k1. Do not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 1 (LS, DC): sl1, yf, *brp1, sl1yof, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with brp1, yb, slip last st. Turn.
Row 2 (DS, LC): p1, *sl1yof, brp1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with sl1yof, p1. DO not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 2 (DS, DC): sl1, yb, *brk1, yfsl1yo, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with brk1, yf, sl last st. Turn.

Chain Selvedge

Worked at the beginning and the end of the row, consists of 1 st.

Row 1 (LS LC): Beginning of the row: bring LC under DC, sl 1; end of the row: p 1. Do not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 1 (LS DC): Beginning of the row: sl 1, end of the row: p 1. Turn.
Row 2 (DS LC): of the row: bring LC under DC, sl 1; end of the row: p 1. Do not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 2 (DS DC): Beginning of the row: sl 1, end of the row: p 1. Turn.

Right Barley Pattern

On 10 sts. Note, that the number of sts from Row 1-9 becomes 12 and then is reversed back to 10 in rows 9-10.

Row 1 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 4 times, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo. 12 sts.
Row 1 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, brp.

Row 2 (DS, LC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 6 times.
Row 2 (DS, DC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 6 times.

Row 3 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo.
Row 3 (LS, DC): repeat row 1.

Row 4 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 4 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 5 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo.
Row 5 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times.

Row 6 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 6 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 7 (LS, LC): brk, yf sl1yo, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo.
Row 7 (LS, DC): repeat row 5.

Row 8 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 8 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 9 (LS, LC): brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo. 10 sts.
Row 9 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times.

Row 10 (DS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 5 times.
Row 10 (DS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times.

Left Barley Pattern

On 9 sts. Note, that the number of sts from Row 1-9 becomes 11 and then is reversed back to 9 in rows 9-10.

Row 1 (LS, LC): brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times. 11 sts.
Row 1 (LS, DC): yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo.

Row 2 (DS, LC): (brp, yf sl1yo) 5 times, brp.
Row 2 (DS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brk) 5 times, yf sl1yo.

Row 3 (LS, LC): brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times.
Row 3 (LS, DC): repeat row 1.

Row 4 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 4 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 5 (LS, LC): brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times.
Row 5 (LS, DC): yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, yf sl1yo.

Row 6 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 6 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 7 (LS, LC): brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo, brk.
Row 7 (LS, DC): repeat row 5.

Row 8 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 8 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 9 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 4 times, brsssk. 9 sts.
Row 9 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo.

Row 10 (DS, LC): (brp, yf sl1yo) 4 times, brp.
Row 10 (DS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo.

Center Barley Pattern

This is a combination of the Right and Left Barley patterns.
On 20 sts. Note, that the number of sts from Row 1-9 becomes 24 and then is reversed back to 20 in rows 9-10.

Row 1 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 4 times, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo. 24 sts.
Row 1 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times.

Row 2 (DS, LC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 12 times.
Row 2 (DS, DC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 12 times.

Row 3 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brkyobrk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo.
Row 3 (LS, DC): repeat row 1.

Row 4 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 4 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 5 (LS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo.
Row 5 (LS, DC): ((yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times.

Row 6 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 6 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 7 (LS, LC): brk, yf sl1yo, brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo.
Row 7 (LS, DC): repeat row 5.

Row 8 (DS, LC): repeat row 2.
Row 8 (DS, DC): repeat row 2.

Row 9 (LS, LC): brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brk) 8 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo. 20 sts.
Row 9 (LS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 10 times.

Row 10 (DS, LC): (brk, yf sl1yo) 10 times.
Row 10 (DS, DC): (yf sl1yo, brp) 10 times.

Click image to enlarge


Using 2 strands of yarn (LC and DC), cast on 9 sts.

Set-up Row (DS, LC): p1, (k1, yf sl1yo) 3 times, k2. 9 sts.
Set-up Row (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo, k1.

Row 1 (LS, LC): sl, (brkyobrk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brkyobrk, p1. 17 sts.
Row 1 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, (yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times.

Row 2 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 7 times, brp, k1.
Row 2 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 7 times, yf sl1yo, k1.

Row 3 (LS, LC): sl, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, p1. 25 sts.
Row 3 (LS, DC): sl, yf sl1yo, p1, ((yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times, yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, k1.

Row 4 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 11 times, brp, p1.
Row 4 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 11 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 5 (LS, LC): sl, (brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, p1. 33 sts.
Row 5 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times) 3 times, (yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times.

Row 6 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 15 times, brp, p1.
Row 6 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 15 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 7 (LS, LC): sl, ((brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brk, p1. 41 sts.
Row 7 (LS, DC): sl, ((yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1, yf sl1yo, brp) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 8 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 19 times, brp, p1.
Row 8 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 19 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 9 is the 1st row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Row 9 (LS, LC): sl, (brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk, (yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, p1. 49 sts.
Row 9 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, (yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times, yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 10 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 23 times, brp, p1.
Row 10 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 23 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 11 is the 3rd row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Row 11 (LS, LC): sl, ((brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, p1.
Row 11 (LS, DC): repeat row 9.

Row 12 (DS, LC): repeat row 10.
Row 12 (DS, DC): repeat row 10.

Row 13 is the 5th row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Row 13 (LS, LC): sl, ((brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, p1.
Row 13 (LS, DC): sl, ((yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times, yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 14 (DS, LC): repeat row 10.
Row 14 (DS, DC): repeat row 10.

Row 15 is the 7th row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Row 15 (LS, LC): sl, (brk, yf sl1yo, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, yf sl1yo x 3, brsssk, yf sl1yo, brk, p1.
Row 15 (LS, DC): repeat row 13.

Row 16 (DS, LC): repeat row 10.
Increase row: place marker on the 11th st from the beginning of the row and on the 11th st from the end of the row (counting from the 1st (selvedge st). This is the marked st, where the increases are made. Work brkyobrk at this stitch in every 4th row (16, 20, 24, 28, etc.) Total 18 times.
Row 16 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 13 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1. 53 sts.

Row 17 is the 9th row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Row 17 (LS, LC): sl, brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, k1, yf sl1yo, brk2tog, (yf sl1yo, brk) 8 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo, k1, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, p1. 45 sts.
Row 17 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 21 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 18 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 21 times, brp, p1.
Row 18 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 21 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Click image to enlarge

Continue to work as established:
1 st – selvedge st
10 sts – Right Barley pattern
2 st (then 4, 6, 8, ... up to 36 after the last increase) of brioche st.
20 sts – Center Barley pattern
2 st (then 4, 6, 8, ... up to 36 after the last increase) of brioche st.
9 sts – Left Barley pattern
1 st – selvedge st

The last increase is row 84.

Work 88 rows as established.

In the next row work short rows to turn the corner of the right and left borders:
Row 89 is the 1st row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Short row 1 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, *(brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times. Since at this point it is not possible to slide work to the other end of the needle, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 1 (LS, LC): sl 1, *(sl1yof, brp 1) 4 times, w&t.

Short row 2 (DS, LC): (sl1yof, brp1) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 2 (DS, DC): (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, p 1. Turn.

Short row 3 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, *(brk1, yfsl1yo) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 3 (LS, LC): sl 1, *(sl1yof, brp 1) 3 times, w&t.

Short row 4 (DS, LC): (sl1yof, brp1) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 4 (DS, DC): (brk1, yfsl1yo) 3 times, p 1. Turn.

Row 89 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, brk2tog , yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 18 times, brk2tog , yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, brsssk, yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 18 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, brsssk, p 1. DO not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 89 (LS, LC): *sl1yof, brp1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with sl1yof, p 1. Turn.

Short row 1 (DS, LC): sl1, (brp1, sl1yof) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 1 (DS, DC): sl 1, (yfsl1yo, brk1) 4 times, w&t.

Short row 2 (LS, LC): (yfsl1yo, brk1) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 2 (LS, LC): (brp 1, sl1yof) 4 times, p1.

Short row 3 (DS, LC): sl1, (brp1, sl1yof) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 3 (DS, DC): sl 1, (yfsl1yo, brk1) 3 times, w&t.

Short row 4 (LS, LC): (yfsl1yo, brk1) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 4 (LS, LC): (brp 1, sl1yof) 3 times, p1.

Row 90 (DS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, * brp1, sl1yof, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with brp1, p1. DO not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 90 (DS, DC): sl 1, * yfsl1yo, brk1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with yfsl1yo, p 1. Turn.

Continue to work as established, working 26 pattern repeats (260 rows) or to desired length, keeping in mind that the pointy end of the stole measures 14” (36 cm).

In the next row work short rows to turn the corner of the right and left borders:
Row 349 is the 1st row of the Right, Left and Central Barley patterns (see above)
Short row 1 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, *(brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times. Since at this point it is not possible to slide work to the other end of the needle, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 1 (LS, LC): sl 1, *(sl1yof, brp 1) 4 times, w&t.

Short row 2 (DS, LC): (sl1yof, brp1) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 2 (DS, DC): (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, p 1. Turn.

Short row 3 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, *(brk1, yfsl1yo) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 3 (LS, LC): sl 1, *(sl1yof, brp 1) 3 times, w&t.

Short row 4 (DS, LC): (sl1yof, brp1) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 4 (DS, DC): (brk1, yfsl1yo) 3 times, p 1. Turn.

Row 349 (LS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, brk2tog, yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 18 times, brk2tog , yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, brsssk, yfsl1yo, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 18 times, (brk1, yfsl1yo) 4 times, brsssk, p 1. DO not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Row 349 (LS, LC): *sl1yof, brp1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with sl1yof, p 1. Turn.

Short row 1 (DS, LC): sl1, (brp1, sl1yof) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 1 (DS, DC): sl 1, (yfsl1yo, brk1) 4 times, w&t.

Short row 2 (LS, LC): (yfsl1yo, brk1) 4 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 2 (LS, LC): (brp 1, sl1yof) 4 times, p1.

Short row 3 (DS, LC): sl1, (brp1, sl1yof) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 3 (DS, DC): sl 1, (yfsl1yo, brk1) 3 times, w&t.

Short row 4 (LS, LC): (yfsl1yo, brk1) 3 times, return the stitches to the left needle.
Short row 4 (LS, LC): (brp 1, sl1yof) 3 times, p1.

Row 350 (DS, LC): bring LC under DC, sl 1, * brp1, sl1yof, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with brp1, p1. DO not turn, slide work to the other end of the needle.
Decrease row: work brsssk at the marked st at the beginning of the row and brk2tog at the marked st at the end of the row.
Make decreases at these sts in every 4th row (354, 358, 362, etc.) Total 18 times.
Row 350 (DS, DC): sl 1, * yfsl1yo, brk1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, end with yfsl1yo, p 1. Turn.

Continue to work as established rows 351-418, making decreases at marked sts every 4th row and working Right, Left and Central Barley pattern.

Row 419 (LS, LC): sl, (brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk, (yf sl1yo, brkyobrk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, brkyobrk) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, p1. 49 sts.
Row 419 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 3 times, (yf sl1yo, brp, yf sl1yo, p1, (yf sl1yo, brp) 5 times, yf sl1yo, p1) 2 times, (yf sl1yo, brp) 4 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 420 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 23 times, brp, p1.
Row 420 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 23 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 421 (LS, LC): sl, ((brk, yf sl1yo) 3 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 4 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, p1. 41 sts.
Row 421 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 19 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 422 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 19 times, brp, p1.
Row 422 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 19 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 423 (LS, LC): sl, ((brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 3 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, p1. 33 sts.
Row 423 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 15 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 424 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 15 times, brp, p1.
Row 424 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 15 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 425 (LS, LC): sl, (brk, yf sl1yo, brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, (yf sl1yo, brk) 2 times, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo, brk, p1. 25 sts.
Row 425 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 11 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 426 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 11 times, brp, p1.
Row 426 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 11 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 427 (LS, LC): sl, (brk2tog, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo) 2 times, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, yf sl1yo, brk, yf sl1yo, brsssk, p1. 17 sts.
Row 427 (LS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brp) 7 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Row 428 (DS, LC): sl, (brp, yf sl1yo) 7 times, brp, p1.
Row 428 (DS, DC): sl, (yf sl1yo, brk) 7 times, yf sl1yo, p1.

Click image to enlarge

Bind off.


Weave in ends. Block.


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There are 2 total comments on this article.

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Poster: deborah donnelly
November 11, 2017

I sure would love to learn this style of knitting ,It is beautiful I just may have to give it a try.Although it looks complicated .
Poster: Linda E. Stowell
November 11, 2017

Absolutely gorgeous.

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