This is pretty much a basic granny square pattern with an increase at the beginning and end of each row. There is also a very good diagram at the bottom of the page. It is all very clear when you think about it.
I thought the directions seemed a little confusing until I looked at the chart. This couldn't be any easier. I plan to make this with Simply Soft pastels. Thanks for the pattern!
Let me be more specific on what I dont understand. Row 1: 3dc in each of the 6 chains? 3 dc to a ring? Does that mean make 3 dc inside the ring? There are 5 of us working on this together and need clarification. Thank you
I really would like to try this. I just dont feel the directions clear enough. They are very fague. I have 3 other people that would like to try this as well but agree this is just not clear enough
So, I am assuming you change colors when you feel like it as I see no reference to when to change colors? I don't quite understand the directions for Rows 6-99: Repeat row 5 adding in each new row 2 repeats of *3 dc, ch* . Thanks for your help!